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Kanye West Ruins Major Kardashian Tradition


kim kardashian christmas photo

As devastating as it was to hear that there won’t be a new Kardashian Christmas card this year, it’s even more heartbreaking to hear now that Kanye West is supposedly the reason. Especially since he already has a reputation for being extremely controlling. While it’s totally understandable that the rapper wants to have his own card with his own family, this has been Kim’s family tradition for years — what’s wrong with doing both and making everyone happy? Get in the Christmas spirit, Weezy.

It’s especially odd (and kind of creepy) considering Kanye admitted on Kris Jenner’s former talk show that before he started dating Kim Kardashian, he used to photoshop himself into their Christmas cards. The photo below is not a joke. It was actually featured on Kris’ show. Bible.

kardashian family christmas photo

There he is! Right in between Kim and Kylie, see him?

“I’m not that good at photoshop. I just dreamed of, you know, being next to her,” he admitted.

According to In Touch, Bruce Jenner and his ever-changing looks also makes the annual card a little awkward. Put that on top of the divorce with Kris, Rob Kardashian’s self consciousness over his weight and Kanye’s demands, and this is just becoming way too difficult for something that’s supposed to be fun.

“There will probably never be a Kardashian family Christmas card again of all of them,” said a source.

[Lead image via Instagram]

The ‘Walk of Shame Workout’ Will Make You Hate Exercise a Little Less


funny video walk of shame workout

Between the $1 beers, pizza at 3am and endless amount of cheese fries in the dining hall, those extra pounds can creep up on you without you even realizing it. But, you typically only have time to workout on the weekends, and hello? Those are already filled with your … extracurricular activities.

The downfall of partying too hard is not having the energy the next day to work off the box of Girl Scout’s cookies you binged on the night before. When you’re hungover, the last (literally LAST) thing you want to do is any form of physical activity. Everything hurts your brain and you’d much rather die a slow death in your bed with the lights off.

Well, thanks to KymNonStop on YouTube, you can still burn some cals without (hopefully) vomiting. It’s a win, win.

According to Kym, this workout “WILL kick your butt in a way that you deserve but involves no jumping or no loud music.”

Interested yet?

Your Typical Thursday Night Pregame, As Told By the Kardashians


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On many occasions, the pregame party is more important than the actual party. It’s that bonding time with your girlfriends where you discuss important topics, like penis sizes or the latest no-carb diet, and get tipsy enough to ensure you won’t spend a dime at the bar … like you would anyway. Any good party girl would tell you, if you don’t have the proper pregame, it could throw off your entire night.

Let the Kardashians explain what a typical pregame party entails …

It’s officially Thursday night which can only mean one thing… 

khloe kardashian girls night gif

You’re all set with a bottle of cheap vodka.

vodka calories gif kardashian

 You warn all your friends in advance:

funny alcoholic kardashian gif

Your girls show up like:

sombrero gif

And you can’t help but …

shake your tits gif

So, the alcohol starts flowing.

alcohol kardashians

And flowing.

chugging wine

Until you’re drunk enough that you’re making faces like this.

mason funny

You struggle to find a reason not to binge eat every single item in your fridge.

addicted to eating

And no one can judge you because you’ve already made it clear:

thursday night pregame

 One of your friends walks in wearing the shortest dress you’ve ever seen.

 whore gif

She starts telling everyone where she got her outfit and you’re like …


 You start to discuss your game plan for the night.

be cute

You call for a cab but they say it’s going to take at least 45 minutes.

annoyed gif

So you take slutty pictures in the meantime.

mother/daughter funny mean girls

And this goes on for a while …

selfies kardashians instagram

Because everyone needs to know you’re having the time of your life.

kim k instagram

After a few too many drinks, you start to get emotional …


 And kind of sick.


Your sober roommate’s like …

drunk funny

But you’re a trooper and head out for a night of debauchery.

my body is ready gif

Best. pregame. ever.

best pregame ever


[Lead image via]

Kylie Jenner’s Lips Have Gotten Even Bigger (Yes, It’s Possible)


kylie jenner lips plastic surgery rumors

The world’s obsession with the spectacle that is Kylie Jenner’s lips has not diminished one bit — mostly because the 17-year-old keeps adding fuel to the fire with her extra pouty Instagram pics. Her face has changed so drastically lately, she’s even been accused of using Photoshop to alter her looks.

According to a photo comparison on Bossip.com, Kylie’s face appears to be thinner and more elongated in her Instagram pictures than it does in real life.

kylie jenner instagram

She’s blamed her shocking increase in lip size on lip liner recently, but people are finding that difficult to believe. Lip liner has been around forever, why hasn’t anyone else tripled their lip size?

In Kylie’s most recent shot, her new and improved pucker is front and center … and bigger than ever. Take a look:

kylie jenner lips

Oh Kylie Jenner, what big lips you have! The better to pout in Instagram pictures, my dear.

[Image via Instagram]

14 of the Most Ridiculous ‘Epic Fails’


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Did you know the term “epic fail” is actually listed in the dictionary? Yeah, you’re welcome. You learn something new everyday.

Well, it’s a noun for those of you who are wondering and it’s described as, “a spectacularly embarrassing or humorous mistake, humiliating situation, etc., that is subject to ridicule and given a greatly exaggerated importance.”

Epic fails have taken over our generation because we just can’t help ourselves from watching train-wrecks, hence why Jersey Shore was such a big hit.

Enjoy 14 of the most hilarious ones on the internet.

They were planning on having a pillow fight, and then this happened.

epic fail pillow fight

Just a few more and I’ll be done…

epic fail working out gif funny

My ankle seriously hurts after watching this.

epic fail models falling

“Ma? Can I go play on the swings?”


This woman will have trust issues the rest of her life.

epic fail trust fall lol

They said I should incorporate an exercise ball into my workout…

working out epic fail

If you jump, I jump, right?

trampoline fail omg

Going to the chapel and your … going to expose your ass to the entire room.

wedding fail

THIS penguin.


Karma’s a bitch, dude.


Hey, remember that time we you threw our friend through the glass window? Good times.

funny gif

Can somebody please call Child Services? Who the hell is FILMING this?

epic fail

Running, running, running … nope.

fail funny baby running


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The Best Black Friday Deals of 2014


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Black Friday is almost here, but some stores have already started cutting their prices down. Any good shopper knows that this sacred day isn’t just about finishing your Christmas shopping in one night, it’s about the experience. So, in an attempt to make that experience a little less frazzled, preparation is key. Check out six stores with infamous Black Friday sales, and the incredible deals they’re offering this year.

1. Best Buy

$80 off iPad Air, $50 off iPod Touch, and 90% off Canon All-In-One Wireless Printer.

2. Walmart

16GB Wi-Fi only iPad Air 2 and a $100 Walmart gift card for $489, Beats Wireless Headphones for $149, and iPad Mini with a $30 Walmart gift card for $199.

3. JCPenney

$20 bonus cash when you spend $75 or more in stores only, free shipping for purchase orders over $99, and they’re also offering a coupon code that expires 11/22: SHOPNOW.

4. Target

iPad Air 2 16GB with $140 Gift Card for $499.00, Westinghouse 48-inch 1080p LED HDTV for $235.00, and Playstation 4 500GB Console Bundle for $399.00.

5. Kohls

Beats 2.0 Bluetooth Speaker for $179, 50% off all toys, and $15 Kohls cash for every $50 spent.

6. Amazon

Their Black Friday deals have started and will run for EIGHT days. They will be adding new deals every ten minutes on the site and Amazon Prime Members will get 30-minute early access to select deals. Some of their stand out deals include Toshiba 50-inch LED TV for $199 and Roku LT Streaming Media Player for $28.

[Lead image via]

6 Awesome Christmas Covers You Totally Forgot Existed


christmas covers miley cyrus santa

There’s nothing that gets you in the holiday spirit more than Christmas music. So while you’re stressing out during finals, keep in mind that we’re almost a month away from the most wonderful time of the year! Check out these 6 amazing Christmas covers below from singers like Jessica Simpson, Miley Cyrus and Christina Aguilera.

1.  Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Christina Aguilera & Brian McKnight


2. Baby, It’s Cold Outside by Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey


3. All I Want For Christmas Is You by Justin Bieber


4. Oh Holy Night by NSYNC


5. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town by Miley Cyrus


6. Wonderful Christmas Time by Demi Lovato

Photos of Kylie Jenner Before Her Drastic Face Change Will Freak You Out


kylie jenner before and after

Oh man, Kylie Jenner. The evolution of her looks is an unsolved mystery. Because, you know, according to her, puberty and lip liner can cause your face to transform so drastically that you look like a completely different human being.

You probably have forgotten just how much she’s changed since you’re so used to seeing her ultra sexy, lip puckered selfies these days. Well, let me refresh your memory.

Here’s what Kylie Jenner used to look like …

kylie jenner cute teen vogue

kylie jenner makeup kylie jenner kuwtk

kylie jenner before ky3kylie jenner gif  kylie jenner before  seventeen magazine kylie


And then all that puberty happened …



[Lead image via Instagram]

10 of Miley’s Weirdest Instagram Photos


miley cyrus instagram

The other day I was browsing Instagram when I suddenly stopped and asked myself, “Am I tripping on acid?” But the answer was no, I was just looking at Miley Cyrus’ photos. The singer has been posting the weirdest, most bizarre photos of herself lately and I’m struggling to figure out what kind of drug causes a person to photoshop their own head onto a bee’s body.

We might have to chalk this one up to Miley just being Miley, but I’d really appreciate it if someone could find out WTF is going on.

Check out some of her other gems here:

Oh ya know, just Miley the monkey hanging with her bananas.

miley cyrus photoshop

 Miley + Elvis =BFF

miley cyrus photos

 Yay. Pizza.

miley cyrus pizza

Oh look, it’s baby Miley hugging a plant shaped like a giant penis!

photos of miley cyrus

Here we have Miley in a man’s body holding a pizza.

pizza funny


baby miley

There appears to be a theme here with pizza…

miley cyrus instagram

Kim K spends some quality time with baby Miley.

kim kardashian instagram

And then Miley & Elvis got married. The end.



[Lead image via Instagram]

Birthday Tribute: The Many Faces of Britney Spears


britney spears birthday

It’s Britney Spears’ birthday, bitch. The princess of pop turns the big 3-3 today and we’re busy grooving to our Baby One More Time cassette tape from 1999 in celebration.

If Brit’s famous for anything besides her music, looks and flawless body, it’s her facial expressions. She doesn’t just wear her emotions on her sleeve … she wears them on every article of clothing she’s wearing at all times. You never have to wonder what Britney’s thinking, because her face just says it all.

Let’s recap the many faces of Britney Spears …

Happy Britney.

britney spears photos

Awkward Britney.


Drunk Britney.


WTF-is-going-on Britney.

 britney spears pics

So-hot-it’s-unfair Britney.

britney spears hot photos

Winking Britney.

britney spears pepsi

Have-to-pee-but-can’t-find-a-bathroom Britney.

britney spears struggle

Not-listening-to-a-word-you’re-saying Britney.

britney spears photos

Still-not-listening-several-years-later Britney.

britney starbucks

Religious Britney.

   britney spears religious

I’m-adorable-and-I-know-it Britney.

britney spears

Holding-in-a-fart-until-the-hot-guy-walks-away Britney.

britney spears expression lol

Popping-an-invisible-zit Britney.

 britney spears baby one more time

Birthday Britney!

Britney Spears Party

Texts From Guys: What They Say vs. What They Really Mean


girl texting guy

You’d be lying if you said you’ve never taken a screen shot of a text message from a guy and sent it to your friends for in-depth analyzation. We’ve all been there. Trying to figure out the opposite sex is hard enough — but adding technology into the mix? That’s just asking for trouble. When it comes to text messaging, guys aren’t exactly conversational wizards. And sometimes, their texts need a little decoding.

What he says: I like you as a friend.

What he means:

questions to ask a guy over text

What he says: Wanna get dinner?

What he means:

texting a guy

What he says: Where have you been?

What he means:

the new girl

What he says: Can I stop by?

What he means:

white boys texting

What he says: I’m bored.

What he means:

how to impress a boy

What he says: I can’t sleep.

What he means:

how to text a guy

What he says: When will you be home?

What he means:

how to flirt with a guy over text

What he says: My phones about to die.

What he means:

questions to ask a guy over text

What he says: I have a lot of shit going on right now.

What he means:

texting a guy


[Lead image via]

12 Awesome Stocking Stuffers Every Fabulous Girl Needs


xmas gifts

(This May Be Vodka mug — $15, Etsy.com)

Holiday shopping can be stressful but NOT if you’re insanely fabulous (which duh, you’re reading this site, so you are.) It’s not like you’re going to be buying stocking stuffers for yourself, but maybe you can send this list to your mom/best friend/boyfriend/creepy RA that has a crush on you? Or, you could always make a Pinterest list that you accidentally send everyone you’ve ever met (we’re not judging you.)

You’re welcome.

Can’t Even socks — $12.95, VictoriasSecret.com

can't even socks victoria's secret

 Sass hat — $12.00, Kiss My Southern Sass

kiss my southern sass

Call Me Maybe iPhone 4 case — $.99, Kiss My Southern Sass

kiss my southern sass call me maybe

  You’re Like, Really Pretty mug — $16, Etsy.com

xmas gifts

Hot pink day planner — $28, LillyPulitzer.com

lilly pulitzer planner

Harvard Law Just Kidding tank — $19.99, Etsy.com

harvard law tank

I’ve Been Know to Flash People tank — $19.99, Etsy.com

flashing people

More Issues Than Vogue tank — $13, Etsy.com

more issues than vogue

Feed Me  & Tell Me I’m Pretty tank, $24.99, Etsy.com

 feed me & tell me i'm pretty

 You Had Me At Merlot wine glass — $8, Etsy.com

you had me at merlot

I Miss TRL — $18, Etsy.com


[Lead image via]

Kourtney Kardashian Poses Naked While Pregnant Because Duh


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She’s not exactly breaking the internet, but Kourtney Kardashian is making quite a few jaws drop with her naked photoshoot on DuJour.com. First of all, she’s set to give birth literally any day now, so it’s kind of odd that taking nude photos was on her to-do list … and second of all, we all just saw Kim Kardashian completely naked like, less than a month ago on the cover of Paper magazine. So now it’s like, another Kardashian girl posing naked? Been there…

“To me, nudity is not something to be ashamed of,” Kourtney said. “I’m at my best when I’m pregnant.”

“She truly is the most beautiful pregnant woman,” Khloe added.

Take a look:

kourtney kardashian naked pregnant

I have to agree with her KoKo, Kourtney does looks flawless. I personally hate when people use the term “glowing” to describe a pregnant woman, but she really is glowing!

kardashian family

Now it’s only a matter of weeks before she pops out another ridiculously adorable child and continues on with her ridiculously perfect life.

[Lead image via]

Taylor Swift & 1975’s Matt Hearly Are Dating!


taylor swift dating

Hide your kids, hide your wife, Taylor Swift has a new boyfriend up in here.

The 24-year-old singer is apparently “falling for” someone in the music industry, HollywoodLife confirms, and she’s managed to keep it a secret for over two months! Enter 1975’s singer, Matt Hearly.

“Taylor and Matty have been dating for approximately two months now. It started off as a mutual crush and has been blossoming more and more,” a source said. “They both have very busy schedules as 1975 is touring and Taylor is promoting her album but whenever they can find time to be in the same city they do it.”

Romance rumors originally started to swirl when Matt wore at 1989 t-shirt during one of his concerts, clearly showing support for his girl. Taylor returned the favor by showing up to 1975’s concert on Thursday night in NYC. Later, Matt told The Daily Mail that TSwift is a “sensation” and that he got her digits.

Fast forward to now and they’re happier than ever. Ahh, young love. We can already smell the break-up single from a mile away!

[Lead image via]

20 Things All ’90s Girls Will Remember From Middle School



If you grew up in the ’90s, congratulations. You grew up in the greatest decade, like, ever. And if you happened to be in middle school during the ’90s? Well, that’s just a double whammy.

Let’s journey back to those glory days, shall we? Here are 20 things you’ll definitely remember from junior high …

1. Asking SmarterChild inappropriate questions when you were bored.

smarter child

2. Having multiple categories on your buddylist for certain people, ex: Friends, Family, BeSt BiTcHeS, <3 Greg <3

buddy list

3. Wearing your hair “crunchy” with gel or mousse.

mousse crunchy hair

4. Listing all of your friends’ initials in your AIM profile (from best to worst, of course.)

aim profile

5. Jean skirts & Uggs.


6. Skorts.


7.  Platform shoes.

 platform sneakers spice girls

8. Starter jackets (even if you weren’t a sports fan.

starter jacket

9. Conair straighteners (which never worked.)


10.  Spending more time folding your notes than actually writing them.

class notes

11. Coming up with random names for your group of friends, like The Sexy Seven.

 fab five

12. WhEn WoRst CoMes tO WoRsT, My GiRLs CoMe FirSt.

funny aim

13. Your favorite CD.

now music 1



15. Acting like your life was a soap opera.

aim drama

16. Roll-on body glitter.

body glitter

17. Butterfly hair clips.

hair clips

18. Desperately wanting to be as cool as Cher Horowitz.

clueless cher

19. Titanic and your ridiculous obsession with Leonardo DiCaprio.


20. Playing Brian McKnight’s ‘Back At One’ (or NSYNC’s ‘God Must Have Spent a Little More Time’) on repeat as you fall asleep and think of your crush.

middle school crush

[Lead image via]

Kylie Jenner Reveals the Truth About Her Pregnancy


Kylie Jenner

Soooo … Kylie Jenner was spotted going to the gynecologist the other day … and DUH, of course everyone jumped to conclusions and decided she must be pregnant. What else could a 17-year-old possibly be going to the gynecologist for?

The reality star has been linked to 24-year-old rapper Tyga, so we’re guessing if she was pregnant, he would be the Baby Daddy. But who knows, these are the Kardashian girls we’re talking about here.

Kylie usually keeps her mouth shut when it comes to rumors, but clearly this one really got under her skin, so she took to Twitter and set the record straight.

“I’m not getting married, & I’m not pregnant….” she wrote.

So there you have it folks. Kylie Jenner does NOT have a bun in the oven. Thank GOD.

This calls for a dance party celebration!



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Ashton Kutcher Compares His Newborn Child to a Cell Phone, “All The Features Don’t Work”


Ashton Kutcher Mila Kunis

With the money that Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis are bringing in, you’d expect them to have about 17 nannies to help care for their 2-month-old daughter, Wyatt. But no … according to the 36-year-old actor himself, they are incredibly hands-on parents, and he even referred to his fiancee as “the greatest mom.”

“We just want to know our kid,” he said in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres. “We want to be the people that know what to do when the baby’s crying to make the baby not cry anymore. We want to know, like when she makes a little face or something we want to be emotionally in touch with her and I think the only way to do that is by being the one who’s there.”

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He also made a pretty spot-on comparison between his newborn child and a brand new cell phone.

“When you first get them… you’re all excited and you’re like ready to do all these things,” he said. “And then you realize it’s like getting a new cell phone where all the features don’t work yet. It’s like a phone doesn’t have it won’t take pictures and you’re like ‘why won’t my phone take pictures?’ And it won’t make calls and it doesn’t do a lot, but it looks really cute!”

Watch the full interview here:

[Lead image via]

Kourtney Kardashian Gives Birth to Baby Boy — On Mason Disick’s Birthday!


kourtney kardashian birth

The Kardashian clan just got a little bigger. After nine long months of fashionably chic pregnancy, Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick welcomed their third child, a baby boy. The best part is, the reality star gave birth on her oldest son Mason’s fifth birthday!

“Happy birthday to the coolest little boy in the entire world,” Kourt wrote on Instagram about her 5-year-old. “You teach me so much every single day and changed my universe the second I met you. You have taught me what life is all about and I am truly blessed and honored to be your mommy.”

Now December 14th is extra special thanks to the new addition to the Disick family, which also includes 2-year-old Penelope.

No word on a baby name as of yet, although Kris Jenner recently “joked” that she was referring to her future grandson as “Stuart.”

Stuart Disick … we’ll see.

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Selena Gomez Breaks Down in Tears in AMA’s Behind-The-Scenes Video


selena gomez amas

Wow. We had no clue Selena Gomez was this emotional leading up to her AMA performance on November 23rd. The singer is giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at what went into this performance in a 5 minute clip on YouTube entitled, “My AMA Diary.” All we can say is, Justin Bieber must’ve really messed with her head.

Her debut performance of her latest single, “The Heart Wants What It Wants” at the American Music Awards was heartfelt to say the least. Selena fought back a few tears mid-song and even made BFF Taylor Swift get all misty-eyed.

taylor swift and lorde clapping selena gomez

Check out Selena’s super tearjerking video and see for yourself:

Kris Jenner Poses in Sexy Video Shoot — Just Like 19-Year-Old Daughter Kendall


kris jenner sexy video

You know what they say … like mother, like daughter.

It’s only been a week since we saw Kendall Jenner running around in lingerie and a santa hat for a video shoot with Love magazine. Her mother, Kris Jenner was even scrutinized after she promoted Kendall’s shoot on Instagram. Fans called her creepy and weird — because, why the hell would your mother ever promote a video of you in your underwear?

Well, now it looks like she may have been promoting the video because she was dying to do one of her own — and what Kris Jenner wants, Kris Jenner gets. So, allow me to introduce to you … the 59-year-old’s version of Kendall’s sexy video.

And for those of you who missed 19-year-old Kendall’s clip, take a look:

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