Ugh, Kylie Jenner. Please just stop messing with your face.
The 17-year-old shared a rather concerning photo on Instagram last night and it has fans questioning if the reality star did in fact go under the knife to alter her appearance. Her face looks so completely different, we could hardly recognize her.
Take a look:
Why does she look like she’s having so much difficulty opening her eyes? Is that a look she’s actually aspiring for? We’re so confused. Even comparing this to a semi-recent photo of her from earlier this year, she looks like a different person!
The odd part is, her older sister Khloe also shared a rather unusual photo of herself the other day as well … and it looks just like Kylie’s shocking pic.
Here we go again with that squinty-eyed look. It has fans screaming “BOTOX!” but who knows the real reason for their drastically different looks.
Our biggest question is, this family is idolized for their insane beauty … they even sell beauty products so us Average Joe’s can look more like them … so why the hell are they so busy changing their appearances?
Riddle me that, Kris Jenner.