The other day I was browsing Instagram when I suddenly stopped and asked myself, “Am I tripping on acid?” But the answer was no, I was just looking at Miley Cyrus’ photos. The singer has been posting the weirdest, most bizarre photos of herself lately and I’m struggling to figure out what kind of drug causes a person to photoshop their own head onto a bee’s body.
We might have to chalk this one up to Miley just being Miley, but I’d really appreciate it if someone could find out WTF is going on.
Check out some of her other gems here:
Oh ya know, just Miley the monkey hanging with her bananas.
Miley + Elvis =BFF
Yay. Pizza.
Oh look, it’s baby Miley hugging a plant shaped like a giant penis!
Here we have Miley in a man’s body holding a pizza.
There appears to be a theme here with pizza…
Kim K spends some quality time with baby Miley.
And then Miley & Elvis got married. The end.
[Lead image via Instagram]