The world’s obsession with the spectacle that is Kylie Jenner’s lips has not diminished one bit — mostly because the 17-year-old keeps adding fuel to the fire with her extra pouty Instagram pics. Her face has changed so drastically lately, she’s even been accused of using Photoshop to alter her looks.
According to a photo comparison on, Kylie’s face appears to be thinner and more elongated in her Instagram pictures than it does in real life.
She’s blamed her shocking increase in lip size on lip liner recently, but people are finding that difficult to believe. Lip liner has been around forever, why hasn’t anyone else tripled their lip size?
In Kylie’s most recent shot, her new and improved pucker is front and center … and bigger than ever. Take a look:
Oh Kylie Jenner, what big lips you have! The better to pout in Instagram pictures, my dear.
[Image via Instagram]