The internet didn’t exactly break when Kim Kardashian shared the greased up booty photo that’s now gracing the cover of Paper Magazine — but it did inspire other celebs to start poking fun at her. Specifically, Miley Cyrus, who shared her own sexy photo that’s making a complete mockery of the reality star. Of course Miley’s not really one to judge, considering she’s guilty of the whole I’m-taking-my-clothes-off-for-attention thing as well, but nonetheless, the photo is still awesome. This may be even better than Chelsea Handler’s attempt to diss the infamous photo.
Take a look:
This is great. Now, Miley is a tiny girl and doesn’t exactly pack much back on her own, which only makes Kim’s conveniently photoshopped tush stand out even more than usual.
I’m still in disbelief that a non-pornographic magazine featured a mother’s ass crack on their cover, but moving on. Thank you for this lovely gem, Miley.